"Just blow some smoke"

Even cigar smokers are welcome here.
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"Just blow some smoke"

Post by Sir Moose »

I had a bit of a unique experience today. I was out walking and smoking a cheap cigar (Cigars International Cuban Wheel) when a passing pickup truck stopped. The driver rolled down his window and said, "I've got a bit an odd request. Can you just blow some smoke into my truck?" He went on to explain that he loves the smell of cigar smoke but doesn't enjoy the taste. He said on cruises, he goes to the cigar bar and buys other people cigars just so he can smell the smoke. I obliged. We chatted for a few minutes. Then, as a thank you, he handed me a gift card to one of the local coffee shops before he drove off. I can honestly say I've have never before been paid $10 to blow smoke at someone.
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"Just blow some smoke"

Post by colton »

A unique experience indeed! Strangeness aside, I can actually relate to the guy: I enjoy the room note of cigars as much as the cigars themselves.

There was a thread on the old CPS where people would post pictures of where they were smoking or something like that, and just to be goofy, I put a video of me smoking a pipe while playing drums on YouTube. I had to take it down after a few weeks because I kept getting DMs from burly dudes with videos of them smoking in...erm...shall we say, form fitting leather wear. :shock:
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"Just blow some smoke"

Post by MrPiper »

I get this more than you realize. I have about a dozen or so higher end pipes, and about as many pounds of good tobacco aging and lonely in tightly sealed mason jars in my office. I haven't smoked in over 7 years since my cancer (had nothing to do with smoking but I just can't emotionally pick up a pipe and smoke it anymore )

I MISS the smell of ALL of my tobaccos. I often just sit in my office with a pipe in my mouth and enjoy the burnt smell that still slightly lingers in the bowls. Sometimes I open the jar on my desk that still holds the last opened tobacco I had before I was diagnosed and it still smells wonderfully of Latakia and virginias.

What is missed the most is the smell of the smoke. I might be that guy who would actually buy a device that smoked the tobacco in my office so I could just enjoy it as an incense.
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"Just blow some smoke"

Post by Biff »

MrPiper wrote: 16 Dec 2022, 14:37 I get this more than you realize. I have about a dozen or so higher end pipes, and about as many pounds of good tobacco aging and lonely in tightly sealed mason jars in my office. I haven't smoked in over 7 years since my cancer (had nothing to do with smoking but I just can't emotionally pick up a pipe and smoke it anymore )

I MISS the smell of ALL of my tobaccos. I often just sit in my office with a pipe in my mouth and enjoy the burnt smell that still slightly lingers in the bowls. Sometimes I open the jar on my desk that still holds the last opened tobacco I had before I was diagnosed and it still smells wonderfully of Latakia and virginias.

What is missed the most is the smell of the smoke. I might be that guy who would actually buy a device that smoked the tobacco in my office so I could just enjoy it as an incense.
Send me your tobacco, I'll smoke it and puff in your general direction. Perhaps with the arctic outflow, you'll get a bonus sniff....
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"Just blow some smoke"

Post by jmg »

MrPiper wrote: 16 Dec 2022, 14:37 I get this more than you realize. I have about a dozen or so higher end pipes, and about as many pounds of good tobacco aging and lonely in tightly sealed mason jars in my office. I haven't smoked in over 7 years since my cancer (had nothing to do with smoking but I just can't emotionally pick up a pipe and smoke it anymore )

I MISS the smell of ALL of my tobaccos. I often just sit in my office with a pipe in my mouth and enjoy the burnt smell that still slightly lingers in the bowls. Sometimes I open the jar on my desk that still holds the last opened tobacco I had before I was diagnosed and it still smells wonderfully of Latakia and virginias.

What is missed the most is the smell of the smoke. I might be that guy who would actually buy a device that smoked the tobacco in my office so I could just enjoy it as an incense.
Man...this just makes me sad for you. Genuinely. I hate that cancer has deprived you of this joy (and obviously your good health most of all). I think it's an aspect that non-pipe smokers will never quite understand...just how pleasing the aroma can be and how calming.
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"Just blow some smoke"

Post by joegoat »

I don't smoke cigars often, but the thing I love most about them is that the room note is detectable by the smoker. The spice in cigar smoke is so unique. Pipe smoke doesn't smell the same to the smoker as those around them, but I enjoy it. I love the lingering pipe smoke smell in my car. I love the smell if it in my beard and on my clothes. My wife is fond of it too.
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"Just blow some smoke"

Post by Hugo Drax »

joegoat wrote: 23 Dec 2022, 16:52 I don't smoke cigars often, but the thing I love most about them is that the room note is detectable by the smoker. The spice in cigar smoke is so unique. Pipe smoke doesn't smell the same to the smoker as those around them, but I enjoy it. I love the lingering pipe smoke smell in my car. I love the smell if it in my beard and on my clothes. My wife is fond of it too.
Would your wife mind talking to my wife about this? I envy your experience in this regard. It has not been mine!
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"Just blow some smoke"

Post by Bloodhound »

Hugo Drax wrote: 26 Dec 2022, 16:01
joegoat wrote: 23 Dec 2022, 16:52 I don't smoke cigars often, but the thing I love most about them is that the room note is detectable by the smoker. The spice in cigar smoke is so unique. Pipe smoke doesn't smell the same to the smoker as those around them, but I enjoy it. I love the lingering pipe smoke smell in my car. I love the smell if it in my beard and on my clothes. My wife is fond of it too.
Would your wife mind talking to my wife about this? I envy your experience in this regard. It has not been mine!
Mine too...she doesn't like my pipe smokeing...but hates when I smoke cigars...I normally do not smoke them unless she is out of town or I am...
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"Just blow some smoke"

Post by Del »

Bloodhound wrote: 27 Dec 2022, 08:45 Mine too...she doesn't like my pipe smokeing...but hates when I smoke cigars...I normally do not smoke them unless she is out of town or I am...
The things we do when our wives aren't around.....
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